Scientists As Competitive Intelligence Analysts

Scientists As Competitive Intelligence Analysts

As you have probably already thought about, the links are also great for your search engine rankings. The link in your article is surrounded by your site keywords. The article itself will populate the search engines and the links to your site will support higher page rank. It’s all good.

The third strategy is very similar and that is swot reports to write a press release. If it is newsworthy a good press release can do wonders. It will not only get published on many websites you may get a few interviews and be on TV or in a national magazine.

One relatively sure way to get some publicity is to hand deliver your press release to your local media. They like local stories and if they like you, you are bound to get some good press.

There are two important points on using press releases to promote your business. First, be persistent and keep submitting new press releases. If you are creative there are many newsworthy stories about any business. You just have to find them and promote them. The second point is to be personal. “The Media” sounds big and impersonal. There are thousands of media outlets and getting to all of them is nearly impossible, if not cost prohibitive. Well, that is one of the nice aspects of getting press. The best way to get a national story is to start local and build. The Media prefers to get their news from the news. If you have a story of national interest and it is first published in your local newspaper, you can bet that many astute editors will pick it up and take it national before you know it.

So, get to know your local press. They’re good people.

The fourth strategy has been around since the internet began. It is to post to forums and news groups. It’s easy and fun plus the links are valid and hold a lot of weight. The search engines like forum post links a lot. In fact, the best way to submit your site to the search engines is to post your website link in a popular forum. The forum will be spidered within 72 hours and your site will begin the submission process on it’s own.

Here too, stay on topic and be honest about your posts. You can buy a spam poster and post to ten thousand forums automatically but, being about the oldest trick in the book, it will get you in a lot of trouble. It’s not good business. Seek out forums you like and get involved. That’s all there is to it.

Competitive Intelligence

Competitive Intelligence will supercharge your link building campaign.

Wouldn’t it be great to know what links are sending traffic to your competitor’s website? Wouldn’t it be great to know which sites were sending the most traffic to your competition? How about what keywords drive the traffic to your competitor’s websites? There are ways to know.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. A lot of knowledge can be explosive. You can take your pick here. There are two methods. Both methods work to identify the links that exist for other websites and allow you to target them. The first method will get you going and the second method will give you a mighty edge.

The first method is free and easy. Download and install the Google toolbar. Once installed, you will see a link called “Backward Links”. Now, go to a website that appeals to your target market and use the “Backwards Links” toolbar link. Google will show you a list of websites that link to the site you’re visiting. This is a great place to begin your link building campaign.

While you are working this list of websites you can begin another list. As you visit the websites look for a link directory on the site you’re visiting. Once in a while you will find a site with an industry directory or a resource page that has links to related websites. This is another nice list for you to work. This method will generate a lot of quality links and bring you visitors that are looking for what you have to offer. If you’re critical of the sites you send requests to, you will build a network of quality sites sending you targeted visitors.


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